Where do most initial consultations go wrong? with Liz Wendling

Liz Wendling

rainmaking attorney coach and author

Liz is the rainmaking attorney coach and the author of The Rainmaking Mindset and Consultations That Convert. Attorneys nationwide seek Liz out when they want to discover how to maximize their business development skills and win more business. 

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You have to stop lying to yourself and telling yourself you don't sell. Because if you're not selling, people can't buy -- bottom line.

Liz Wendling

Episode 039

Show Notes

Brief summary of show:

Where do initial consultation calls go wrong? Consultation calls are an important part of building your practice and firm, but are there crucial mistakes you should be aware of?


Liz Wendling joins me to talk about where most consultations go wrong, and how to fix it.


Liz is the rainmaking attorney coach and the author of The Rainmaking Mindset and Consultations That Convert. Attorneys nationwide seek Liz out when they want to discover how to maximize their business development skills and win more business. 


Liz understands the challenges that attorneys are facing when selling their legal services in today’s competitive and post-Covid-19 environment. Using a straightforward and practical approach, Liz teaches attorneys the business development skills they don’t teach in law school.

We talk about:

• [2:10] How to know where consultation calls are going wrong

• [7:00] Tips for positioning yourself on consultation calls and navigating client questions

• [12:10] How long a consultation call should take

• [17:45] Why you need to be selling

• [20:20] Recommendations Liz makes when doing an audit 

• [24:10] How to highlight your expertise in your bio without being wordy

• [33:50] Liz’s book recommendation

Liz Wendling's Book

From the publisher:

The traditional techniques that enabled attorneys to prosper in the past are no longer adequate in today’s business environment.


Attorneys who will excel in the new business climate are those who understand that the old ways of lead generation and conversion, networking, and sales and marketing won’t work like they used to. Business, as usual, is over. Regardless of whether you accept it, the consumer, the economy, and the business environment have changed forever. The landscape has become more competitive, sophisticated, and more technology-oriented than ever before.


The old-school ways of the past have been replaced with more progressive and innovative strategies that today’s sophisticated and experienced consumers not only appreciate, they also notice. If the rest of the world is evolving in response to consumers becoming more well-informed and Internet-savvy, it is in your best interests to evolve as well, or you may face extinction.

Consultations that Convert by Liz Wendling

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